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The National Programme on Counteracting Drug Addiction (NPCDA)
The National Programme on Counteracting Drug Addiction is, by the Act of 29 July 2005, the legal basis for the actions taken on counteracting drug addiction. It is passed by the ordinance of the Council of Ministers. The current programme is set forth in the ordinance of the Council of Ministers of 22 March 2011 on the National Programme on Counteracting Drug Addiction for 2011-2016.

The main objective of the National Programme on Counteracting Drug Addiction is the reduction of drug use and drug-related issues. NPCDA sets priority directions and actions to be taken within the defined areas. Moreover, the programme establishes the schedule of fulfilment of specific activities and indicates the ministries and entities responsible for undertaking the specified actions. The document sets priorities related to counteracting drug addiction for local government units. The involvement of multiple entities in the fulfilment of NPCDA makes it possible to coordinate all actions aimed at counteracting drug addiction in Poland.

The National Bureau for Drug Prevention, which coordinates and monitors the execution of NPCDA, prepares an annual report on the execution of the actions resultant from NPCDA in the preceding year. The report is submitted to the Council of Ministers by the Minister of Health and, subsequently, presented to the Sejm by 31st October.

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National Focal Point
Projekt Transition Facility PL2006/018-180.05.04
"Wsparcie regionalnych i lokalnych społeczności
w przeciwdziałaniu narkomanii na poziomie lokalnym
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