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Been doing drugs? Don’t drive! After alcohol and drugs your brain grinds to a halt!
On 28th July 2010, the National Bureau for Drug Prevention launched an advocacy campaign, which is a follow-up to the actions undertaken last year. The campaign is aimed at awareness raising, in particular among young people, concerning driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Despite having divergent legal status, both alcohol and drugs, are equally dangerous for drivers.

The issue is of particular significance to people between the age of 16 and 25, who are regular disco and club goers. Having fun often has a tragic end due to a lack of foresight. Therefore, the desired result of the campaign is to change the attitude of young people and make planning a return from a party the norm for young people – in their own interests and the interests of other road users. Another equally important goal of the campaign is to make young people aware that driving under the influence of drugs is a crime, for which they could face a penalty of up to two years imprisonment.

  • More about the campaign in the press release – Word version
Strona: 1 
National Focal Point
Projekt Transition Facility PL2006/018-180.05.04
"Wsparcie regionalnych i lokalnych społeczności
w przeciwdziałaniu narkomanii na poziomie lokalnym
- kontynuacja"
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Przeciwdziałania Narkomanii